16 July, 2010

Plight of the Pangolin - 8,000kg of Pangolin Carcass and Scales Seized

Chinese police and TRAFFIC have reported that 8,000kg of frozen pangolins have been seized from a boat off their southern coast. The cargo found amounts to 2,000 frozen, de-scaled pangolin carcasses, as well as 92 cases of pangolin scales. The boat was found in June, and the penalty for smuggling an endangered animal, such as some species of pangolin, is either a prison sentence or the death penalty. The crew of the boat have confessed that they were ordered to sail from China to two meeting points, where they received the cargo. They were on route to an undisclosed location in South East Asia.

Descaled and frozen pangolins found in previous raids. CREDIT: TRAFFIC

Descaled and frozen pangolins found in previous raids. CREDIT: TRAFFIC

Pangolins are protected species and international trade is prohibited under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Two (Chinese Pangolin and Sunda Pangolin) of the four Asian species found are classified as endangered by ICUN.

There is a high demand for pangolin scales as they are ground up and used in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), although the scales are made from the same substance as our hair and nails, keratin. Eating pangolin scales for medicinal purposes, is about as effective as eating your own fingernails.

The meat is considered a delicacy, it, and sometimes the whole body, is used in soup. Although it is not on the menu, if you know who and how to ask it is possible to order it. It is this illegal trade that is dramatically reducing the number of pangolins in South East Asia.

There is general lack of awareness amongst Asians as to the plight of the pangolin, these scaly anteaters are shy and nocturnal, many people have never seen this elusive animal. Governments need to educate the public on the plight of the pangolins, and be more stringent in their checks on cargo in order to cease the trade and strengthen conservation efforts.

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